About Us

About Lucy Sims, the speaker for Sims' Flight. Lucy Sims, a wife, mother and grandmother is the CEO of Sims' Flight. As a former school principal, restaurant manager, debt collector, and mortgage consultant / loan officer, this mother and wife has worn many hats. It was from wearing these several hats that Sims' Flight was born. For several years after Lucy left from managing a restaurant, she led a relatively quiet but hectic life rearing her children. She later took on the position as principal of a small private school. After 6 years and with three daughters still attending the school, Lucy left the school and went out into the public arena.

While she was living her quiet life (except for the noisy children) a lot changed in the work place. Every one seemed so unhappy and disgruntled about their jobs; even though she observed that these jobs were now better jobs and the income was a lot better than what she thought it would be since her last venture in the outside work place. Now comes Lucy's vision! If people could see their job to be a blessing and seek an opportunity to grow in this job, things would start to change for any individual, regardless of race, sex, etc. etc. Stay positive and stay away from negative people

The vision is that anyone can move up on a job if he or she wants it bad enough. First we have to understand that if we are offered a position on a job, it's just that, an offer. We don't have to accept the job any more than the hiring manager has to hire us. Once we accept and understand what our responsibility is, give it 100% and gain the trust you'll need in the future. When looking for better opportunities our reputation will speak for us. When we apply for that job at the next level the record we've set in stone will be etched in our records. You are your best agent and representative. The time will come when you'll need a clean reputation to fall back on.

Obviously, we have oppressed situations that exist at most companies including discriminations at all levels such as sexual, racial, religious and low wages to name a few. An individual will have the fortitude to discern whether a company is over looking them for negative reasons and take the necessary action to change that or to simply move on. There are ways professionally and legally to deal with these situations. You must take the necessary steps to stop this and to prevent this from occurring hence crippling you. Lucy believes that it is our God given gift to succeed in life. Success is measured different according to whom you ask. There is nothing too hard for God. Get excited about your job and take it to the next level. Oh and by the way, while you are traveling on your way, help someone else.